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AliceAnn Hostetter

Ms. AliceAnn has directed multiple choirs to UIL sweepstakes and many of her private students to First Superior ratings in UIL Solo and Ensemble. She believes in student-centered education that focuses on student interest and success. She is a firm believer in music literacy and believes that a strong singer is taught to be an independent learner through structured and efficient practice and an understanding of music theory.

Ms. AliceAnn Hostetter received her bachelor of music in music education from University of North Texas College of Music in 2018 and studied Kodaly in Hungary as part of her education there. She then began her teaching career teaching middle school choir. Prior to studying music, she was a dance and gymnastics teacher in her hometown of Olney IL for 6 years, and participated in musicals and choirs across the midwest. One of her biggest passions is finding age and pedagogically appropriate musical theater and pop repertoire for students who do not traditionally fit the western classical music curriculum. Her time as a dancer and gymnast finds its way into her music classroom regularly with a focus on full body singing, posture, and kinesthetic learning.

Ms. AliceAnn is a staff singer for St. Monica Catholic Church in Dallas TX. She currently serves as a voice faculty member at Prime Music Institute.
